Thursday, September 17, 2009

Achieving Growth in Palestine

Working with the office of the president Dr. Rafik Al Husseini and Dr. Salam Fayad and all partners in the ICT telecom sector to achieve growth, fair competitiveness to help the sector in supporting overall economic independence .

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Dr Abdul Malik Al Jaber with Mr Sabih Al Masri

Anyone who hears dr. Abdul Malik Al Jaber in private or in public hears him praise and revere one man:his mentor, and role model Mr. Sabih Al Masri, the man behind the Paltel group and many achievements in private sector Palestine including the very important Palestine International Award. The road between these two men was not easy riddled with road bumps, time and time again proves the intractability and steadfastness of the relationship. Good men remain good to their ideals and comradeships.

Dr Abdul malik al Jaber with Prince Khaled Al-Fasisal, Economic Forum in Jeddah

Dr Abdul Malik Al Jaber with professor Mohamad yunus in Jeddah

Meeting professor Mohamad yunus in Jeddah was a highlight in the life of dr.Abdul Malik Al Jaber ,professor yunus founder of grameen bank a bank dedicated to provide soft loans to the poor is an important model for Palestine. We need to be humble and proactive like the professor much can be learned from him and his work in Bangladesh and elsewhere in the globe

Dr Abdul Malik Al Jaber with Prime Minister Salam Fayyad

Working with the Prime MinisterDr Salam Fayyad and Dr Abdul Malik Al Jaber to promote private sector development and public private sector partnership. One country one destiny, great men at work for their homeland

Dr.Abdul Malik al Jaber working hand in hand with Prime minister Dr. Salam Fayyad to promote the other face of Palestine internationally. By sponsoring the Jeddah economic forum, dr. al jaber wanted to send a message that Palestine is not only known for poverty, and crisis, it has a vibrant private sector, a visionary leadership and both work hand in hand to rebuild Palestine to rebuild dignity for their people.

Dr Abdul Malik Al Jaber with Presidents of Palestinian Universities

for the first time in palestine ,with international and local support the launch of Amman's complaint's against coruption Hotline

working with civil society leadership to fight corruption and encourage integrity,celebrating paltel’s support for a hotline to report corruption for the Aman transparency ngo in Palestine.

Dr Saeb Ereikats Book Launch " Life is Negotiations"

Supporting recording Palestinian contemporary history, sponsoring the latest book written by Palestine Chief’s negotiator Dr. Saeb Erekat the book is entitled Life is Negotiations. The book is a way to help people understand intricacies of negotiations and how those negotiating politically can help guide normal people in living their daily lives via skillful negotiations

“Her Majesty Queen Rania of Jordan at the launch of the Arab Sustainability Leadership Group, a regional platform for sustainability practices.

Best Practice
Dr Abdul Malik al Jaber

“Her Majesty Queen Rania of Jordan at the launch of the Arab Sustainability Leadership Group, a regional platform for sustainability practices. Dr. Abdul Malik Al-Jaber, on behalf of the Paltel Group is one of the founders of the Arab Sustainability Leadership Group.”

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Remembering a Great Man "Faisal Abdul Kader Al Husseini “the son of Jerusalem the Son of Palestine

Remembering a Great Man "Faisal Abdul Kader Al Husseini “the son of Jerusalem the Son of Palestine
Reading a Verse from the Holly Quran “Al Fatiha “for his soul where he is buried in Al Aqsa Mosque in Occupied Jerusalem

Zeenat al Hayat AL Dunya

Monday, September 7, 2009

A visionary man

Education Comes First

a message of hope

fun times

a smile is worth millions of words

A visionary man
All pictures is related to Gaza Hope Fund, this is launched by Dr.Abdul Malik Al Jaber to support the kids of Gaza after the recent war and provide psychological relief activities through conducting open days benefitted until now 1500 kids, film making workshops for 30 kids and writing workshops for 150 kids, the fund is administered by Patel Group Foundation which is lead by Dr.Abdul Malik Al Jaber him self

Abdul Malik al Jaber with Mr President Mahmoud Abbas President of Palestine in the Palestine Award

Abdul Malik With Former President Carter at Palestine Award

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Abdul Malik al Jaber next to

Mr Munib Rashid al Masri

Mr Rafeek al Husseini from the Presidents Office.
Prime Minister Mr Salam Fayyad

And Mr Sabih al Masri

Abdul Malik al Jaber at Palestine Award next to Former President Carter

Abdul Malik al Jaber at Palestine Award

Mr. Jimmy Carter: The 39th President of the Unites States

Mr. Jimmy Carter: The 39th President of the Unites States was awarded the “International Figure Award” as part of the Palestine International Award for Excellence and Creativity in a special ceremony held on June 13, 2009 in Ramallah, Palestine.